About Us
The Full Story
We are a community of Christian believers associated with the Free Methodist church in Canada. We are casual about religion, but serious about God and His Bible as the standard for all our belief and conduct.
We are part of the Free Methodist Church Of Canada.
We believe Jesus Christ is God's Son sent into the world with a universal offer of salvation to every human being. That offer is apprehended by all who believe in Jesus, confess their sins without excuse to God, and reject their old way of life by replacing it with God's. God's way for humanity affects every category of life such as marriage, family, parenting, work, finance, forgiveness, sexual relationships etc. His way can only be found in the Bible and therefore we spend a lot of our time studying and learning how to apply it to our lives.
Primarily we preach through one book of the Bible at a time, passage by passage.
Visitor Information
Welcome to Pineridge House. Come stop by the church sometime. We'd love to have you!
Observation Lesson
From sermons to small groups to personal devotions, this is one of the primary ways we study the Bible.
We believe that all elements of the church service are for corporate edification in our relationship with the Lord.
We believe songs that praise the Lord and proclaim what we believe as Christians are to be central in our worship.
We believe any Christian can and should be used to contribute to the growth of others within the church body. As such, personal testimonies, post-sermon dialogue encouragements, and other means will be used to build up one another in the faith.
We believe the Word of God is to be our standard for all faith and practice
(2 Timothy 3:16). Therefore the Bible will
be central in every sermon.
We believe the cheerful, sacrificial giving of our resources to the Lord is the normal expression of the growing Christian life.

Apart from the worship service event, we believe that Christian growth is greatly accented within the community of believers through get-togethers (i.e., small groups, couples, one-on-ones, etc.). Processing God's way together and praying together are key to these get-togethers.
Although sharing the gospel with strangers has been used to bring many people to the Lord, we emphasize sharing the message of Jesus within a relationship. Therefore, while maintaining Christian conduct, we believe that entering a secular environment (i.e. their context), is the key to starting and maintaining secular relationships. It is within these relationships that we believe Jesus can be effectively seen in our lives and heard in our speech.
We believe that planting other churches is an effective way of advancing the Kingdom of God in this world. Although “family-type” relationships may become more like “cousin-type” relationships through the planting process, we are still committed to advancing God's Kingdom in this way.